Sunday, November 29, 2009

No One Can Trust Democrats

Since the communists, formerly known as Democrats, have taken power in the White House and both houses of congress many states are making laws that preempt federal law. Utah among other states such as Montana and Texas have enacted or will enact laws this January to prohibit federal laws to affect guns and ammunition manufactured in those states.
Similar things are being done to protect states from the possibility of the horrendous government run health-care nightmare. Some states refused the bogus stimulus money that came with choking, stifling regulations that would force idiotic restrictions on the states that accept that money.
What does it tell you when states do these things to protect themselves from the federal law? The feds are doing wrong things they should not do and the states do not trust them. This is not a good situation caused by the federal government and I applaud the states for securing their rights and freedoms.
We are headed for disastrous times.

More Lies No Surprise

Do you remember when the Liar Obama said he would create or save 3 million jobs with the $876 billion stimulus money? Well I do and I knew it would not happen and in truth so did they (the Obama administration). Anyway liars in the Obama administration have come up with jobs created in various congressional districts. Never mind that the jobs are piddly and it would have been cheaper and more effective to simply give a million people $876,000. Just forget all of that.
What I want to focus on is yet another outrageous lie told by Obama and his clowns. The jobs they said they created in these various congressional districts could not exist since these districts do not exist. These fools not only lie to us all, they think we are as stupid as they are and that we don't have the ability or judgment to discover the lies.
So simple, just tell the people what you think they want to hear then lie about the results. All communists work this way.

The Worst Job in the World

Imagine how demeaning it must be to be Obama's secret service detail.
I'd rather be a dung beetle. They work with a much higher class of material.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Is Obama Eligible for the Presidency?

Anyone that doesn't know Obama, the communist, is the worst liar to ever be president (that includes Bill Clinton) has to be on life-support and has to have been there for at least 2 years. Everything about Obama is a lie. His whole life is a lie and that's why he, or his cronies, have spent over $2,000,000 to keep all of his personal records secret. You cannot know for sure where he was born, what grades he got at Harvard or what he did for his thesis. He even concealed his kindergarten records. Now what could a man want to hide about kindergarten? A real man wouldn't care about that, but a communist probably has a name or birth history or father relationship record he does not want us to know. From all of this secrecy was born the growing group of people who doubt Obama's citizenship. All the liar has to do is show his actual birth record and not that phony birth certificate than anyone could get by simply applying as he may have done and the issue would die and be forgotten.
Something is terribly wrong here and all Americans have the absolute right to know what the president is hiding. Just forget for now that Obama is not competent to be the president. This is merely a question of eligibility. If he cannot be open with us then he is not eligible to occupy the White House.
Isn't it amazing that the Obama-ass-kissing media checked into Senator McCain's citizenship since he was born overseas in an American hospital on an American Naval base because his father was an American Naval Officer. Never forget Senator McCain served honorably in Vietnam and spent 5 years as a prisoner of war in the famed "Hanoi Hilton." Still the Obama-ass-kissing media never saw the need to verify Obama's citizenship. Damned outrageous!!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The First Taste of the Death Panels

Kathleen Sebelius, the Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary, formerly the governor of Kansas proves she is nothing more than an Obama appointee with no knowledge of her new job. The only reason she was picked for this position is the fact that she proved to be the most pro-abortion governor in the country.
So a couple of days ago an HHS advisory panel gave new screening guidelines that oppose what actual doctors have recommended for years, that women have mammograms every year beginning at age 40. The HHS panel of bureaucrats, not doctors, said to start at age 50 because "starting at age 40 was not cost effective."
This is only the beginning of the death panels. Do you think this "cost effective" bureaucratic non-sense will not recommend death to an elderly cancer patient. Then you are a bigger fool than Obama's appointees and Obama himself.
Due to outrage from doctors, women, and the American Cancer Society Sebelius has now told us to ignore the HHS panel's new guidelines.
You see we can make a ruckus and the idiot elite will take notice. So wake up America and stop the Obama insanity. Do you want similar decisions made about your health care by non-medical people? I sure as hell don't.

The stupidity mounts and compounds

Can the fool who is Obozo ever do anything that isn't insanely stupid instead of merely stupid? As we see the glaring answer is HELL NO! Now Mr. Moron is bound and determined to try confessed 9/11 master mind, Khalid Sheik Mohammed, in a criminal court in New York. Can you say dumb ass or is it easier to say Obama? Some will say this is Attorney General Erick Holder's decision. The reality is Holder is Obama's flunky and this is Obama's decision.
The stupidity of liberalism knows no bounds nor is it capable of telling or recognizing the truth. To be a liberal one must reject all logic and common sense. No wonder it is damn near impossible to teach them anything.
To further illustrate this phenomenon, Holder cannot tell us if Osama bin Laden will be tried in a criminal court if he is ever caught. Logic and law would dictate Khalid Mohammed and bin Laden be treated the same, but what has logic or the law to do with it or anything for that matter.
Never any logic nor truth. All we ever get from the Obama fools is lies and insanity.
Now for the best part: idiot, liar, communist Obama said in a speech in May that he would use military commissions to try terrorists who violate the laws of war and to protect intelligence sources and trial participants.
Get these fools out of my country before its too late.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Idiot ass-kisser Obama

Obama proves he cannot learn from his mistakes. But then if he did learn from his mistakes he'd be a genus given that he makes more mistakes than anyone and definitely more than any previous president.
Now the fool bows to the Japanese Emperor. It was only a few months ago the moron bowed to the king of Saudi Arabia and then made ridiculous excuses such as he lost his contact lens. What else can you expect from a nobody who has done nothing and been nowhere to suddenly be put in the White House. He has fools like himself as his advisers and cabinet members so who's going to tell Obozo to act presidential?
Hope and change? Well I hope we change him out of power before he completely destroys the greatest country that ever existed in all of human history. Till then we need to change congress so they won't follow this chump to the dump.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Obama is Loved by Fellow Communists

Obama is loved by fellow communists such as the Chinese, Hugo Chavez, and Fidel Castro. When the leader of Honduras, President Manuel Zelaya, attempted to circumvent their constitution and stay in office beyond the allotted 2 terms the Honduran Congress ordered his removal and the Honduran Army peacefully put him in exile. Both Castro and Chavez demanded Zelaya be reinstated and Obama agreed with the communists. Does Obama have that same intention? Why else would he support a president violating his own country's constitution?
It is never a good thing to be in agreement with communists. They are our enemy and we absolutely must never give in to them or their ideals. Reagan won the Cold War not because he was afraid of Gorbachev but because he refused to give in to him and he was always strong in speaking with the Soviets.
Castro recently wrote an article where he praised Obama with sickening platitudes. The two have so much in common.
The Chinese were so happy to one of their own visit them last week that they even made tee shirts that said, "Oba Mao" with a picture of Obama in a 1960's revolutionary Chinese Army uniform. It was more appropriate than they know.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Conservatives won 2 governor's seats

Last night conservatives won 2 key governor’s seats. Despite Obama’s 6 trips to New Jersey campaigning for Jon Corzine the Republican Chris Christie won the election. I am only sorry Obama didn’t have time to campaign in New York’s 23rd district or we would have won that congressional seat as well.

It should be noted that New Jersey’s woes (unemployment and tax hikes) make New York look good by comparison. Clearly Corzine uses Obama’s economic strategies to screw up Jersey the way Obama is screwing up the whole country.

Of additional interest; Corzine spent $30,000,000 of his own money on this disastrous campaign. I guess not all elections can be bought.

By the way the other governor’s seat the Republicans won was in Virginia.

We, the true lovers of America and freedom, hope this is a glimpse of things to come one year from now.