Saturday, September 4, 2010

How the Arizona Immigration Law affects the whole country

Arizona’s new immigration law (SB 1070) is having an effect on the whole country. I thought and hoped the federal government would be awakened, encouraged and, embarrassed to do their duty and protect the American citizens as is their mandate. At the very least the federal government should have been interested to see over 70% of Americans want the borders secured.

What actually happened was quite the opposite. The Attorney General, Erick Holder, picked by Obama, chose to sue Arizona for creating this law. While constantly stating the law is racist in its wording and enforcement their lawsuit never once makes that same claim. This is typical of this regime to tell the people, by means of the compliant mass media, one thing then do quite the opposite. What would you expect, they are the worst liars and hypocrites known to man. Holder’s actual lawsuit says border control is the federal government’s duty and Arizona violated the Constitution. Holder is partly right. Border control is the federal government’s duty and they are grossly negligent. It is also the duty of all law enforcement officials to uphold the Constitution and Arizona’s law reinforces that. It does not violate the Constitution.

Sherriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona who is incredibly popular in Arizona and esteemed around the country for his handling of prisoners there is also under attack by the federal government. He is charged with being racist and discriminatory against the Mexican prisoners. Mr. Arpaio runs a tough prison. There is no TV viewing except the Disney Channel and the Weather Channel. Instead of building additional facilities to house the over-flow of prisoners Arpaio put up tents. This was a huge savings to the tax-payer. Joe said if the soldiers in Iraq could live in tents then so could these prisoners. The prisoners work a huge garden and grow their own vegetables. They also eat bologna sandwiches instead of steak. They wear pink underwear and overalls. Sherriff Arpaio wants these prisoners to do their time and not return. There is not the space to explain all of this lawsuit. Interested persons should Google Joe Arpaio and you will see tons of information. Joe Arpaio is an amazing man who should be the envy of all sheriffs not the scorn of the Obama regime.

Next came a very odd, strange, and ridiculous attack from the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. This, another of Obama’s picks in his cabinet sent a report to the United Nations Council on Human Rights referencing Arizona’s immigration law, SB 1070. What has to be noted here is two of the member nations of the Council on Human Rights are Libya and Cuba. The Obama court jesters would have us subjugated to those horrific terrorizers? How insane can this be? The US Constitution and individual states rights never fall under any foreign law, not ever.

For government officials to attack a state as Arizona has been attacked is unthinkable. My disgust and outrage cannot be described without the use of the most vile, filthy swearing and cussing. These despicable scum and sewage are perpetrating this shit on my country and it is absolutely wrong, reprehensible, infuriating, and inspires me fight more vigorously against Obama and his horrible regime more strenuously than I fight against the Taliban. The Taliban can kill only a few of us. The Obama regime can destroy the whole country if not stopped.

When 22 states stand ready to implement their own versions of Arizona’s SB 1070 I thought the federal government would see a mandate to cooperate and do its duty to secure America. No! That’s not what Obama and his henchmen did. They sent a shot across the bough saying, in effect, “You will be next to be prosecuted if you persist as Arizona has.”

Now I give Arizona all my support and all other states who do the same. We must not waiver in our fight for right against our own foolish, communist president. This fool who is supposed to be the President of the United States of America is proving he is not in office to serve America.

My forecast for the future is Democrats will lose many seats in Congress on November 2. Hopefully it will be enough to take control and turn back Obama and his anti-American agenda.


  1. You realize that people aren't angry at Joe Arpaio because of his tent city or what he feeds his prisoners, right? He's facing federal investigations because of accusations of discrimination and unconstitutional searches and seizures, harassing his opponents during elections for sheriff, and misusing taxpayer money for trips to Disneyland.

  2. Yes I do know the excuses for the Federal harassment and that's all it is, harassment and intimidation. They don't know who they are dealing with. Arpaio is a real American who is not afraid of these punks.
    If the Feds were serious why don't they pursue a real criminal like Charley Rangel or Maxine Waters. If discrimination is a real concern why are the Feds not interested in the New Black Panthers' voter intimidation?
